What wouldn’t we do for Scotland



An extract from this latest book written by Arran Johnston is given below:
The Scottish Diaspora Tapestry project was ambitious, but its focus on community and its encouragement of
personal stories created a level of engagement so great that it surpassed all expectations both in quality, scale,

diversity and visitor appeal.As a result of its creation,understanding of the nature, extent and legacy of the Scottish diaspora has been

dramatically increased for anyone the tapestry has touched. Stitchers and visitors alike speak of the tapestry with words of amazement,

pride and kinship; it encourages a shared sense of identity, cultural association, and simple belonging. Even those without direct Scottish

links of their own are bound by their contribution to the tapestry.The process generated new friendships, revived old memories, and

encouraged stories and experiences from around the world to be shared with a common focused goal. Perhaps this tapestry, like the

Bayeux before it, will enthral audiences for many centuries to come.

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Weight .5 kg